Wholesale Apparel Linen Account

Linen Handkerchief

Do you need a Wholesale Apparel Linen Account?

You will need to fill out the Wholesale Apparel Linen Account application below. A confirmation email with instructions will be sent to you upon review and acceptance of your application.

Already have a Wholesale Apparel Linen Account?

Simply log into this site’s My account Page and your business prices will be displayed on this site.

To access your legacy Account select Portal.

Terms, Condition and Policies

Wholesale Application

-Buyer Info-

-Company Info-

If applicable please download the NY Resale Certificate. Then select ‘Yes’ for having a Resale Certificate to upload.
Drop your file here or click here to upload You can upload up to 1 files
http:// or https:// is required for URL.

-Business Owner or Authorized Officer Info-

-Registered Company Address-

Billing Address

Shipping Address

-About Your Company-


-Additional Information-

-Business Terms / Policy Agreement-